Thursday 19 January 2012


Hello you beautiful people :)

I've seen a lot of blogs recently about wishlists and what we'd all love to add to our possessions. What we need to realise is that if we finally possessed all of our said items, we'd only create another list of more things we don't have (but must have!) and just create an endless loop of wants and needs!....

Does this phase me?...

 Not in the slightest :) so here's mine ;)

Ok so I love these jeans :) I know primary coloured jeans have been out
for a while now and it was jewelled colour jeans like burgundy and jade
that were popular over winter but they're coming back this summer with
a vengeance and I'm so glad!! I want them to go with my Irregular choice shoes that I got for Christmas (to the right) and a plain white top with lots of jewellery and accessories for over summer :)

This is the Wintercool  Lip Bag by MAC and I love the colour sooo much,  I'm definitely a nude lip gal :)  I've actually just ordered this so it won't be on my wishlist for very long... it will most likely be in a review haha ;) Anyhow I love this lots and lots :) 

Ahhh the Naked2 palette.... *drool*

The original Naked Palette is my absolute FAVOURITE beauty buy I love it! So another palette similar can only be a good thing... and you absolutely cannot have too much of a good thing :) The thing I love about this palette is that pretty much all the colours bar 1 or 2 are different to the original where as I was expecting half of them to be the same. It will hopefully getting added to my collection at some point :) 

This varnish looks incred! It's the OPI Rainbow Connection Lacquer. I saw a review on it by 'Couture girl xo' ( check out her blog if you havn't already its fab!) and I must say I was sold! I just LOVE glitter nail varnish and if there's any varnish that totally sparkles it's this one! I want. Enough said.

Now then, I know Ugg boots aren't to everybody's taste but I, personally, need these particular ones in my life! They just look like winter to me and I want my feet all snug and warm in those babies right now!! They come in a few colours (Black, Chestnut, Dark Brown) but these are definitely the nicest in my opinion they just look so much more expensive and will probably go with more of my clothes :) (I think my boyfriend might be getting me these for my Birthday in Feb... if he does I'll be a very happy girly indeed =D)
Oh and they're called 'Nightfall', in the colour 'Sand'

Right I think that will do for now, I could add loads more but I think I'll just end up depressing myself! Hope you enjoyed this post, and I wanna see what's on everyone else's wishlists :D Take care guys!

Until next time...

Raphaelle xXx


  1. The Naked Palette has been the best buy for 2011 by FAR for me! So the Naked Palette2 is on my wishlist for 2012 :) xx

    1. It really is incredible! Cant wait to get Naked2 :) x

  2. I ♥ the colored denim as well! I just can't seem to find the right pair for me & it's totally discouraging! Anywho - I'm l♥ving your blog!

    1. Aww thank you just checked yours out too love your make up looks! xx
